
Archive for April 19th, 2009

As denials go… Ed Balls with his ‘completely fabricated and malevolent nonsense’ isn’t in quite the same league as Mayor Boris who, when accused of some extra-curricular activity some years ago, said… “I have not had an affair with Petronella. It is complete balderdash. It is an inverted pyramid of piffle. It is all completely untrue and ludicrous conjecture. I am amazed people can write this drivel.”

So… the email smear investigation  produced out of a hat by Guido Fawkes last week  not only earned him a rather absurd piece of smear journalism in return (which he fielded rather well)  but it would appear that Mr Balls is now revealed as the Ernst Stavro Blofeld Bond villain of the piece… skulking in the background, directing his polbots. Ed Balls denies this.

The Sunday Times reports… “ED BALLS, the schools secretary, used Damian McBride, the disgraced spin doctor, to smear ministerial rivals and advance his own ambitions, a Downing Street whistleblower has claimed. In an explosive new twist to the e-mail affair, a No 10 insider has revealed that Balls was the mastermind behind a “dark arts” operation by McBride to undermine colleagues. He claims the education secretary is running a destabilising “shadow operation” inside Downing Street to clear his path for the party leadership if Labour loses the next election. The insider said: “There is now an operation within an operation at No 10 and it answers to Ed Balls.”

The News of The World has what they call an exclusive along roughly the same lines…but with a different slant…

Damning proof that vicious dirty tricks website did involve highest levels of party

Meanwhile… as at 10.30 am Sunday morning, a nation waits for further revelations from Guido.

In the meantime… it is time for me to cook some breakfast.  I think I shall have bacon and eggs with a few beans and toss in some brown toast to give me the illusion that I am being healthy.  I may even have a glass of wine…. Rioja on Sundays, I have found, may be enjoyed at any hour of the day.. a piu tarde.

12.30: Well breakfast concluded… fortunately after seeing this Gerald Scarfe  cartoon picked up by Red Rag (A full version here)…and Guido is orf for a picnic to keep the ravening horde waiting for his latest revelations….

As Labour plummets in the polls faster than bank shareson the stock exchange did some months ago, John Prescott is using Twitter, facebook and Blackberry tecdhnology to get the message accross.  I’m not entirely sure whether even Moses himself would have any effect on the British public now in terms of their faith in Gordon Brown and Nu-Labour… but at least the old bruiser is still in the game and doing it with some style.  I enjoy listening to Prescott… and he does keep the gags coming… or should that be shags. The Times has the full story.

More later, I suspect.  I may even manage to write a bit about the law… anything is possible.

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