
Archive for November 24th, 2007

Saturday Review: 24 November … Why?

At 4.30 am this morning I looked out of the window to see frost on car windscreens. It was quiet. Christmas is but a month away. It was time to consider my annual E-xmascard. Not having any children or wife to photograph as a festive family group outside my Staterooms (not that I would so if I had such a group) I felt that a picture of me with a Santa hat on was probably the best I could pull off this year. I have little interest in Christmas. I have, after all, read The God Delusion by Professor Dawkins.

Having spent a fair bit of time this week reviewing the extraordinary events of this week (Infra), I can find little to review – so, today, it is, I’m afraid, more of a free form frolic.

Geeklawyer managed to put diesel fuel in his motorbike. As a fellow biker, I am able to sympathise. As a fellow blawger, I regret to say, I found it amusing… a visitation from the supernatural spirits wreaking vengeance on GL?

But before I depart on my fevered frolic… a few blog reports: What About Clients? by J Dan Hull and colleagues, despite the US Thanksgiving weekend, continues to provide incisive coment on serious matters and takes time out for other, less serious, matters. President I’madinnerjacket of Iran has resumed blogging. WAC? picks this up.

Political blogger Guido Fawkes has an excellent caption competition. The comments are worth reading, some of them are not suitable for workplace or family viewing. Newly added to my blogroll LawActually has a very useful warning for those of you addicted to putting craplets and sh*tware freebies onto your PCs.

Reactionary Snob, no fan of the newly dead Ian Smith, former PM of Rhodesia, has an amusing and ironic quote picked up from the radio:

“The Deputy Zimbabwean Information Minister, Bright Matonga, said Smith could not be forgiven for bring untold suffering to millions of Zimbabweans…”

Victorian Maiden, of Ruthie’s Law, believes that their blog is read by those at the very heart of government. Not sure that this is necessarily a good thing. Mind you, being government, they’ll probably forget to bookmark or lose the URL. The author of The Pupillage Chronicles is a bit disillusioned and writes about recent experiences. IMPACT from Freeth Cartwright is still ahead of the curve with the recent posting about Data Protection spot checks being on the way.

And now to other matters…

Respect for the elderly and infirm is certainly on the wane when one sees a zimmer frame locked to a lamp post….

Scotland in chaos after England Croatia match. TRIBUTES are being paid to Scotland this morning after the entire country laughed itself to death: More…

Concerned about the loss of CDs by HMRC… I just had to revive and invoke Churchill with a bit of help from Photoshop.

Apparently, six more discs have gone missing from HM Revenue & Customs. The discs, transported by courier company TNT, contained recorded conversations between a member of staff and a customer making a complaint. BBC story

And finally…. something serious…

Andrew Holroyd, President of The Law Society, writing in Legal Week’s Legal Village section, states that The Law Society has started an online petition calling for the return of the rule of law in Pakistan and intends to visit Downing Street to make Law Society views known. He writes: “Some might ask what this has to do with UK solicitors. Well, I say the rule of law is something we should all stand up for – be it in Lahore or London.” As Holroyd says “From London to Lahore, LawSoc gets international”.


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